This program is made possible in part due to the support received from The Michael and Pamela Carter Charitable Fund and the Bowen Engineering Corporation Endowment.


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According to the Centers for Disease Control, 37% of American adults cannot swim the length of a 25-yard pool. Even more alarming is that of the 10 drownings that occur each day in this country, 8 of those victims are adults or young adults. This alarming trend can be reversed and it's up to YOU!  We are glad you're taking the first step in learning to swim.

Indy Aquatic Masters is an aquatic program is dedicated to helping adults 18 years of age and older incorporate healthier lifestyles through swimming. And, at Indy Aquatic Masters, we believe it's never too early OR TOO LATE to start swimming.

The Adult Learn-to-Swim Program is designed for adults aged 18 and over. Our goal is to first make you comfortable and safe in the water. Then, skills will be added as you progress from novice to beginner to swimmer! The lesson progressions are tailored to your personal needs, so bring your suit and your sense of adventure.

Multiple sessions are scheduled throughout the year. The instructor to student ratio is 1:3 for each lesson. We purposely keep our group lessons very small so you receive maximum attention and opportunity to learn the skills. Students are paired with other students with similiar skill/ability. Check out the upcoming sessions and make plans to attend now!


The IAM Adult Learn-to-Swim program consists of 8 classes over a 4-week period.  Swimmers are strongly encouraged to attend all classes in each session. Please note that there are no make-up lessons for missed classes. Classes meet at the following locations:

  • Jewish Community Center (JCC)6701 Hoover Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Beginners Level 1 only, Mon/Wed 7 pm - 7:45 pm or Tues/Thurs 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm. Enter through Door 5. Check-in at the front desk. Lessons will take place in the THERAPY POOL.
  • Lawrence North High School (LNHS): 7802 Hague Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46256. Levels 1-3 offered. Tues/Thurs 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm. Enter through Door 21, go down to glass doors about halfway down the hallway. Turn left and enter the pool deck. MAP
  • Carmel Swim Academy (CSA): 830 City Center Drive,Carmel, IN  46032. Levels 1-3 offered. Tues/Thurs 11:30 am - 12:15 pm. Enter through the main entrance.

COVID-19 related Policy:

  • Every student and instructor must pass the following wellness screening for every class:
    • Is your temperature 100.4 degrees or higher today? Yes or No (take temperature one hour before class)
    • Did you have or have you been exposed to anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19? Yes or No
    • Have you experienced any symptoms such as fever, muscle achiness, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, or other respiratory symptoms in the last 14 days or did you live with someone with those symptoms? Yes or No
    • Have you traveled in the last 14 days to an area that would require you to be in self- quarantine? Yes or No
If you answered YES to any question above, you are not permitted to enter the facility until released to do so by a health care professional.
  • Use the restroom at home prior to arriving.
  • Locker-rooms are available for changing. A mask must be worn at all times in the locker-room unless in the shower.
  • “Deck-changing” under a towel is not permitted.
  • Fill your water bottle at home and label with your name.
  • Label equipment brought from home such as goggles, cap, fins with your name.
  • Wear a mask or face covering when entering facility, arriving on deck, and leaving pool deck.
  • Maintain at least six feet of distance from facility staff, instructors, and other students at all times.
  • Keep your belongings on deck at least six feet apart from others.
  • Use hand sanitizer upon arrival and departure.
  • If you need to clear mucus from your nose or throat, get out of the pool and use a kleenex. Do not shoot mucus into the pool, gutter, or deck area.
  • If you would test positive for COVID-19 or live with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 and have been attending classes, please report to IAM as soon as possible,


Beginners (Level 1): This is a beginner level class for swimmers with little or no experience. We will cover the basics of swimming strokes and water safety including overcoming fear of the water, floating, gliding, stroke introduction, and deep water skills.

Intermediate (Level 2): This is an intermediate-level class for swimmers with moderate experience who are already comfortable in the water. We will focus on skill development, including breathing, building endurance, deep water comfort, and treading water. Strokes will also be developed.

Advanced (Level 3): Level 3 swim lessons are ideal for the swimmer who wishes to further develop their swim technique and efficiency. These participants are looking to compete in triathlons or join a Masters program.  Participants will explore flip turns, stroke refinement, and alternate breathing techniques.  Use of training tools such as pull bouys, kickboards and hand paddles will also be introduced. 


  • Four week sessions (8 lessons): $110
  • Payment can be made credit card (VISA or MasterCard). If payment is an issue, please let us know. There are limited scholarships available.

  • Comfortable swimsuit (Women should wear a one piece that securely fits their body; bikinis are not recommended.)
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • Swim cap (to protect hair from chlorinated water and keep it out of your face)
All items above can be purchased online at or visit the local store, Elsmore Swim Shop, located at 4705 E 96th St, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Optional equipment/gear:
  • Large or Extra large Swim Caps -If you have longer, thicker hair (hair past the shoulders) or long braids/extensions, you may consider purchasing a large cap for long hair or extra large cap designed for dreadlocks, weaves, hair extensions, etc..
  • Fins - to assist with learning balance and swim technique.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Indy Aquatic Masters by email at or by calling 317.537.7946.


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